Elena Mutonono
1 min readJun 6, 2018


Thank you for this. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to write, nor to live through it. I used to always think, before I had kids, how can I bring them into this world, a new immigrant married to another immigrant, living in the part of the world where I had no friends or family? Where every day is a struggle to prove that you’re worth it, that you matter, that you are not your citizenship, skin color or language with an accent. You’re a world of little treasures that you want to give. I was saying to my older friend, “I can’t bring my kids into THIS. I have to give them “stability.” She responded then, 70 years of life experience under her belt, “Well, you just bring them into your world and let them enjoy the journey with you.” Brene Brown wrote that parents shouldn’t be asking themselves whether they’re doing things “right,” but whether they are the kinds of people they want their kids to be, and I see that it IS truly more important than all the things we could have given them and never did.



Elena Mutonono

A coach for online language teachers. Writer. Download a free kit to help language teachers work smarter: www.elenamutonono.com/the-smart-kit